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What Do You Need On Your Roof?

Walter Singleton • May 8, 2023

Article: Components

The answer may seem simple, but a roof is much more complicated than just shingles and nails. A proper roof system should include all the protection your home needs to function properly for years to come. So, what exactly are the correct components for your roof? While there are caveats to some roofs that may differ, below is a list of the necessary base components with a brief description to help you stay informed.

• Solid Foundation (Decking):

 Decking is the floor for your roof materials. This is typically OSB, plywood or slat (board) decking.

• Drip Edge:

 Drip edge is a metal flashing that runs along all the edges of your roof. This is meant to act as a deterrent for water to not run under your shingles and into your decking.

• Ice And Water Shield:

 Ice and water shield is a necessity here in Michigan. This is a rubber-based roll material that helps mitigate water intrusion caused by ice damming (melted snow that re-freezes near the eaves of your roof). Code in most cities equates to “not less than two feet beyond the warm wall”, so a good roofing company knows they should install six feet for added protection.

• Synthetic Underlayment:

 Synthetic underlayment is a very thin tarp like material that acts as a layer of water protection across most of your roof. This is recommended over basic tar paper, as synthetic underlayment is much stronger and durable.

• Starter Strips:

 Starter strips are a layer of shingles that run around the perimeter of your roof. These are installed to add support to the roof line to protect against strong winds lifting your shingles and wearing them down or worse, blowing them off completely. There are many companies that do not install starter strips, so it is important to make sure these are in your estimate.

• Shingles:

 While everyone knows what a shingle is, many do not know what type of shingle they should expect. Architectural shingles, also known as dimensional shingles, are the most recent and valuable shingles on the market. These have become the base standard almost universally and are recommended amongst most roofing companies. If your roof is older than 15-25 years, there is a good chance you have 3-tab shingles, which look like thin bricks on your roof.

• Flashings:

 Flashing refers to the soft metals installed on the roof to protect against water intrusion. This typically is seen around chimneys, roof-wall intersections, dormers and anywhere a shingle wouldn’t provide sufficient protection.

• Ridge Vent:

 Most homes with a suitable ridge beam would do well to consider ridge vent. This is a sturdy plastic material that allows excessive heat and cold to travel consistently through the roof. This will enhance the longevity of the decking and, in turn, the roof.

• Roof Intake Vents:

 This material is optional in some cases but would be a necessity in others where a warranty is in place. Roof Intake vents come in many forms, from home hvac registers to vents that are installed along the eaves of your roof. If your roofer doesn’t mention intakes, this is another one you will need to ask outright.

 As stated above, this is the baseline for all pitched roofs. It is very important that you stay aware and trust in the company that services your roof. This is your largest investment, so the knowledge above will serve you well when getting an estimate if you utilize it.

Still not sure what you need? Click the “Contact Us” box above and see when we can be out to help! We serve southeast Michigan and would love to meet with you!

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