Home Exteriors of Michigan is Metro Detroit’s #1 Roofing Company
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Many homeowners search for how much a roof costs online to disappointing results. This is mostly due to the very large price ranges from estimators and the fact that most homeowners don’t have a solid understanding of roofing in general. The information provided here is to help soothe the frustration of searching for an answer online by giving you the details directly.
- Size:
The size of the roof is one of the largest factors in roofing cost. Contractors will either hand measure or order a satellite image of the project, then add the multipliers for pitch (steepness of the roof) and waste (unusable cut material) factors. All companies have to account for these items, or they will wind up very short on material. This changes from how steep the roof is to the style of roof, so very rarely are houses exactly the same, even in cookie cutter neighborhoods.
- Removal:
If you are not getting a layover (shingles over existing shingles), it is obvious that there will be removal. Removal of the shingles is labor intensive, especially for small crews. This changes greatly, however, depending on the number of layers that are on the roof. This increases again if the material is harder to remove, such as slate or cedar shake, as this calls for even more effort in removal.
- Materials:
Materials are typically the costliest portion of a roofing project. Costs for materials rise about 5%-10% for most vendors every year. This means that a roof now is about 50% higher than roofs from 10 years ago. While this is the case, a roofing company should only charge for what you need. This is highly dependent on the type of materials selected, some of which are mandatory for a manufacturer warranty, as well as the contractor doing their due diligence in proving a quality roofing system.
- Install:
The installation is typically on par with the material if not a little lower regarding pricing. The installation includes all items being fastened properly by a skilled laborer, including wood, underlayments, shingles, ventilation and soft metals. The cost ranges from company to company, but a contractor that pays their installers a reasonable wage must consider the intricacies of the project when writing a quote.
- Overhead:
Overhead is the amount of money it costs to operate the company. This includes staff payroll, insurance, database systems, gas and other items required to keep the company going. All companies have overhead, but some must maintain multiple locations and 50+ employees, while others have one location and only 5 employees. This means a contractor with less overhead is likely to price lower than larger companies with more.
- Commission:
If a company staffs sales representatives, they are typically paid based on commission. This means that if the project is sold for the proper amount, the salesman will get paid based on his performance. In most cases, this is a small percentage of the project cost. While there are a lot of sales representatives that sell for a higher commission, a good salesman will sell at the minimum to both make sure they keep the customer happy, and the company makes its dues.
- In Short:
It is impossible to get a guaranteed cost for your roof online. There are many estimators that purport an approximate cost, but because everything is based on the condition of the home, the material you select and each contractor’s model, you will always need a contractor to come out to review prior to getting an accurate cost. The main concern should not be finding a quote easily, but having a contractor who is honest and truly cares about the customer and the quality of their work.
Need a quote? Click the “Contact Us” box above and see when we can be out to help! We serve southeast Michigan and would love to meet with you!